Prices / Bookings

Frequently asked questions at Les Salisses campsite in Vias plage

  • What are the arrival and departure times ?

    Low season : arrivals from 2 p.m to 6 p.m – Departure from 8 a.m to 12 p.m
    High season :* *arrivals from 4 p.m to 8 p.m – Departure from 8 a.m to 3 p.m
  • What if I arrive after the closing time of the reception ?

    I get my keys at the bar-restaurant at the entrance of the camping
  • Do you have heated pools ?

    Our 2 main pools aren’t heated, only the covered pool is heated.
  • Where can I park my car ?

    One parking place per pitch and we also have a private parking (5 or 8€ / day for additional vehicle).
  • When can we drive inside the camping ?

    The access is allowed from 6 a.m to midnight. After this time, you will have to park on the outside parking or our security staff will be here to open the gate in case of an emergency.
  • Is there a shuttle bus ?

    Yes, only on July and August. More information at the Tourist Office : +33 4 67 21 76 25
  • How far are the first shops ?

    The supermarkets (Aldi, Intermarché) are in the city center. 15 minutes walking from the camping, you will find bars , restaurants, and shops in Vias-plage
  • Are barbecues allowed ?

    Yes, only on our barbecue spots, remember to bring a grid.